Eating a healthy diet will help diabetics keep blood sugar levels within a range that can still be tolerated.
In addition, physical activity, and diabetes medicines will also help keep blood sugar levels.
At least 3 things to note about the food for the care of people with diabetes are:
1. What to eat
2. How much should be eaten, and
3. When to eat
Making wise food choices will help the patient to:
a. feel better every day
b. lose weight, if necessary
c. reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, and other problems caused by diabetes
Patients also can keep blood glucose levels in order to remain in the range of tolerance by means of:
1. making wise food choices
2. physically active
3. take medication if needed
Here is the range of blood glucose levels for diabetics:
a. Before eating: 70-130 mg/dL
b. 1-2 hours after a meal: <180
For patients who use certain diabetes medications, it is better to follow the schedule of meal, snack, and regular physical activity.
However, some diabetes medicines allow for more flexibility. Patients can work with health care team to create a plan that best diabetes.
handling Hypoglycemia
Sometimes people with diabetes has a condition in which blood glucose levels are low is often called hypoglycemia.
Conditions of low blood glucose can make people become shaky, weak, confused, irritable, hungry, or tired. Patients may also be sweating or feel a headache.
If patients experience these symptoms, immediately check blood glucose levels. If the result is below 70 mg/dL, do one of the following steps:
1. Eat 3 or 4 glucose tablets
2. Eat 1 serving of glucose gel, the amount equal to 15 grams of carbohydrates
3. Drink 1/2 cup (4 ounces) of fruit juice
4. Drink 1/2 cup (4 ounces) of non-diet soft drink
5. Drink 1 glass of milk
6. Eat 5 or 6 pieces of candy
7. Eat 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey
After 15 minutes, check your blood glucose again. If it's still too low, repeat this step until the blood sugar levels 70 mg/dL or higher.
If it happened an hour or more before the next meal, the patient should eat a snack as well.
Diabetes food pyramid can help patients make wise food choices.
This pyramid divides foods into groups, based on the content of food. Eat more from the bottom of the pyramid group, and a little of the above groups.
Food from flour, fruits, vegetables, and milk is the highest group which contain lots of carbohydrates. Thus, these foods will greatly affect blood glucose levels.
Consult your doctor or diabetes specialist about how many meals and snacks should be eaten every day.
What and when people eat, affects how diabetes medications work. Discuss with your doctor or diabetes specialist about when people with diabetes need to take medication.