Millions of people suffer from skin cancer or sun damaged skin.
This has led to use sunscreen to be more important than ever.
Good news, more and more people will be aware of the risks caused by exposure to sunlight and the necessary steps to protect themselves.
Even better news is that there are many products that can help you keep your skin from the sun can be harmful agents.
However, many people are still confused what to do product use sunscreen. There are many confusing terms on sunscreen packaging, which makes it difficult to make a choice.
What is SPF ?
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. Better protection bottle with a higher SPF level before harmful UVB radiation.
Basically, the level of SPF is a measure of how long you stay in the sun without burning.
For example, if a person was used to burn in 15 minutes, with a sun protection factor of 15 so that they have lotion 15 times longer (or 225 minutes) in the sun without burning.
American Academy of Dermatology recommends that all wearing parts with a sun protection factor of at least 15
So if SPF 50 protects much better than lotion with SPF 30?
Not necessarily the case. Lotion with SPF 50 protects only 2% more creams with SPF 30
If you look at products and sun cream, make sure the product offers protection from UVA and UVB rays.
UVA are funds that cause aging of the skin and can cause skin cancer. Without UVA protection skin becomes wrinkled quickly.
UVB is not less dangerous. These agents can cause skin burns and skin cancer.
Waterproof sunscreen
Choose a waterproof sunscreen, especially if you are at the beach or pool.
Products most "waterproof", usually provide protection 40-80 minutes. Be sure to use again before the effectiveness of the protection ends.
With so many good products on the market, there is no reason not to protect from the effects of sunlight.
Skin damage from the sun contains not only cause cancer but also premature aging of the skin and wrinkles.