Closer Recognize Ovarian Cysts: Ovarian cysts forming process

By on 3:16 PM
Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts are small fluid-filled sac that grows in the ovaries of women.

Most of the cysts are harmless, but some of them can cause problems such as rupture (burst), bleeding, or cause pain.

Surgery or surgery may be required to lift and remove the cyst.

In this article we review the functions and how ovarian cysts can arise.

Women have two ovaries, located respectively in the womb. Ovarian function is to store and release eggs.

Ovary size is almost as large as walnuts. Every month, one of the ovaries to produce an egg cell, and this process is the beginning of women's monthly menstrual cycle.

Protected the egg sac called a follicle. Egg will grow in the ovaries until conditions are ready to accept the presence of uterine eggs.

Finally, the uterine lining to thicken so it's ready for the egg implantation if fertilization by a sperm cell and begin the process of pregnancy.

This cycle occurs each month, if the egg is not fertilized then the cycle will end and the unfertilized egg and the thickened uterine lining breaks down and discarded earlier. This is called a menstrual period.

Ovarian cyst is a fluid that is protected by a very thin layer and will appear as bubbles when viewed from the sonogram. Cyst is also called a functional cyst or a simple cyst.

Cyst formed when the follicle fails to rupture so that the liquid will remain behind and formed cysts in the ovaries

This condition usually only affects one ovary alone. Cysts are small (less than 1 cm) may be found in normal ovarian follicles at the time of formation.

Ovarian cysts can occur in women of all ages. The majority of ovarian cysts are considered functional or physiological, meaning that the cyst is still considered normal and not as a disease or disorder.

Most ovarian cysts are benign and can also disappear on their own within a few weeks without any specific treatment. Ovarian cysts can also be found in women who had ovarian cancer.