You should know that there are some natural ingredients in the following list.
But do you really know the benefits?
Here are 7 natural ingredients that you already know and skin beauty benefits:
First. Grape Stone Oil
Contains a lot of vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. The best way is to use it two or three drops of oil on the stone face cream pouring grapes before you use it.
Two. chamomile
Chamomile has anti-inflammatory effect softens, and as a skin antiseptic. Boil chamomile, chamomile and use cooled boiled water to wash your hair.
Chamomile cooking water will wear a big impact, even from the first moment they. Therefore chamomile is one of the great natural ingredient for hair care.
Three. Parsley (parsley)
Parsley can tighten sagging skin and disguise the black spots on the face.
It is very simple, that is, add a few drops of lemon juice into the water parsley mixture, then freeze in ice cube. Clean your face every morning with ice.
Four. Lavender
Lavender to be fresh and prevent wrinkles your skin. Lavender is one of the best anti aging products best.
To get the benefits of lavender, one way you can do is add a few drops of lavender oil into the water every time you shower.
Five. Elderberry flowers
Elderberry flowers can brighten the skin and a good problem-solving pigment in any part of your body.
Six. Rosemary
Rosemary can help you fight cellulite and anti-aging skin care. Trick, add the rosemary oil in the massage gel and scrub for 2-3 minutes per day.
Seven. Apple cider vinegar (apple cider vinegar)
Apple cider vinegar contains beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that prevents the skin from premature aging, and the road was very easy.
Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of honey in a glass of water. Drink the potion in the morning when the stomach is empty.