7 Symptoms & Signs of Alzheimer's - Tips to Know Alzheimer's

By on 3:46 PM
7 Symptoms & Signs of Alzheimer's
Early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include forgetfulness and confusion in the mild stage.

Over time, the impact of Alzheimer's disease began to affect memory, the ability to speak and write in a systematic, assessment of things, and solving problems.

Patients with Alzheimer's disease may have noticed that he had difficulty in remembering things and organize your thoughts.

However, it could be people do not realize there is anything wrong, even when changes in patients seen by a family member, close friend, or co-workers.

Changes in the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease can cause the following problems:

1. memory

Everyone can experience occasional memory loss. Is normal if you forget which store house keys or forget the name of an acquaintance.

However, loss of memory due Azheimer disease may progress and get worse. A person with Alzheimer's disease may be having or doing the following:

a. Repeat statements and questions over and over again.

b. Forget the conversation, promise, or an event, and will not be able to remember it later on.

c. Routinely misplaced valuables, often placing valuables in a place that was not supposed to.

d. Forgot the names of family members and objects around.

2. One of disorientation and Interpreting Spatial Relations

A person suffering from Alzheimer's disease can lose track of time and place.

In addition, Alzheimer's disease can interfere with the brain's ability to interpret something that is difficult to understand the surrounding environment.

This condition can eventually lead to a lost Alzheimer's patients despite being in a place that he knew.

3. Speaking and Writing

A person with Alzheimer's may experience difficulty in finding the right words to identify an object, revealing the mind, or follow the conversation with other people.

Over time, the ability to read and write will decline.

4. Thinking and reasoning

Alzheimer's disease will cause a person to have difficulty in concentrating and thinking, especially about abstract concepts such as numbers.

Many people who suffer from Alzheimer feel difficulty in managing finances, balance a checkbook, and pay bills on time.

This difficulty can progress to an inability to recognize and deal with numbers.

5. Assess and Make Decisions

Alzheimer's sufferers have difficulty in responding to the day-to-day problems effectively, such as food burning on the stove, a full bath, or unforeseen situations while driving.

6. Planning and Conducting Routine Tasks

As time went on and the disease progresses, people with Alzheimer's may have difficulty in performing routine tasks that require sequential steps, such as planning and cooking a favorite meal.

And eventually they will forget how to perform tasks most basic, such as bathing and wearing clothes.

7. Personality and behavior changes

Changes in the brain that occurs in Alzheimer's disease can affect the way a person in the act and feel something.

A person with Alzheimer's disease may experience the following:

a. depression

b. fear

c. Withdraw from the social environment

d. changes in mood

e. Being not believe with others

f. The more stubborn

g. Irritable and more aggressive

h. Changes in sleeping habits.