Types of stomach pain and how to treat them

By on 3:47 PM
Types of stomach pain and how to treat them
If you have stomach pain, first find out what is causing it, so you can choose the right treatment. Since there are several types of stomach pain and how to treat it differently. Check out more than indicated by the Good Housekeeping below.

When bloating, stomach means filled with air. To mitigate this problem, do not just keep quiet. You have to walk around to relieve pain caused by bloating. While I prevent bloating is to eat and chew slowly.

Heartburn occurs when (and usually the chest) burning in the stomach. This happens because the stomach acid back into the esophagus. Immediately overcome heartburn medications so that they are not worse. Also, do not lie down immediately after eating, wait at least three hours after eating in the intestine.

Intestinal obstruction is painful. When the attack stops, you can stimulants to perform soon. The reason for this problem is the lack of fiber and less water. So to avoid this, do not be lazy, eat fiber and drink water to reproduce.

Diarrhea is a condition in which abdominal pain is quite alarming. Because the body can be dehydrated due to back and forth to go to the bathroom. Overcome with diarrhea medication. Because most of the diarrhea is caused by bacteria, do not be lazy with diligent hygiene washing hands.

Often fart
Why frequent stomach pain gas and one is due to lactose intolerance or milk allergy. The change is coffee. If you already know that the milk allergy, you should limit your consumption of these beverages.

Period cramps
For women, some of them feel pain in the abdomen, when the cycle. If this is the case, you can compress the stomach with warm water containing increasing the consumption of milk and foods, magnesium and iron to be lost from the blood to replace the nutrients.

It is a type of stomach pain and how to overcome them. When pain occurs, you should contact your doctor promptly.