Tips for keeping Iguana: 10 common diseases iguana type

By on 4:13 PM

10 common diseases iguana type
Just like other creatures iguanas are not immune to the disease. Iguanas can be a pain, the treatment needed to recover as usual.

Certain diseases can threaten the lives of iguanas require further treatment by a veterinarian.

Here are some of the strike The most common iguana illnesses:

First. fibrous osteodystrophy or metabolic bone disease

This disease occurs due to poor nutrition and food. The first time you hold the Iguana, it is good to get the advice of the seller with respect to adequate food iguanas.

Some foods such as lettuce does not contain many nutrients. So it is important to combine foods iguana.

This situation is exacerbated when the iguana does not get enough vitamin D3 intake so that the body can not produce the amount of calcium provider.

The symptoms of this disease are the face and lower jaw, which looks soft, swelling in the lower jaw, weakness, leg swelling, and difficulty eating.

Two. Rear paralysis

The disease is caused by lack of vitamin B1. To cure this condition, your vet will usually inject vitamins and minerals and recommend changes iguanas feed.

Three. Abrasions nose

If not feel comfortable in his new surroundings, try the Iguana out of the cage to escape what scratches and abrasions on his nose and face.

When searching for a way to escape, they often rub their noses in the cage, which blistering. If not treated bladder, bacterial infections or ulcers may occur.

Four. Burn

Some owners can install lights iguana cage. Incorrect installation can lead to a slight contact with the iguana.

Contact heat lamp can cause burns. So be sure to bring the lights in a safe place.

Five. Bacterial infections

There are different types of bacterial infections that can harm iguana.

Iguana when continuously exposed to humidity and dirty environments, it can cause blistering on the skin.

Lack of cleaning of the cage can be justified toes and nails. Areas that will be affected by pollution then a dark gray or black and start cracking.

An infection can also affect the mouth Iguana. The disease is usually caused by inflammation and pus in the mouth.

Six. Parasite

Parasites are a common cause of death iguana. Parasites circulating in the blood also iguana or are in the digestive tract. Parasites, just like any other disease, should be treated immediately.

Seven. Virus infection-

There is no certainty about the cause and how diseases caused by viruses iguana. But viral infections that can lead to adverse effects on the Iguana.

Eight. Organ failure

This disease usually occurs because of age or as a result of a bacterial infection. Recognized symptoms are loss of appetite, swelling, weight loss, fatigue and even death.

Nine. Bladder stones

The disease is an important factor causing discomfort and abdominal pain iguana.

10th. Sticky Egg

This disease occurs tunnel work Iguana. When oviposition iguanas find it difficult eggs that help take the owner.