Lingzhi mushroom is often referred to as the "king herb" or "Magic Plants" and was used for thousands of years.
Japan Lingzhi Reishi is called, is in Latin called Ganoderma lucidum.
It dates back thousands of years in China, only the emperor is allowed to consume Lingzhi is believed to give eternal life.
This fungus is clearly not with eternal life. But at a time when there were no modern medicine, as it is now, Lingzhi with antioxidants and a variety of health benefits is obviously more prosperous life.
Here are three interesting facts about Lingzhi mushroom:
First. Lingzhi mushrooms are included in the kingdom and phylum Mycetes Basidomycetes.
According to the study, Lingzhi mushroom has many health benefits such as the ability to fight and destroy harmful bacteria and viruses, as well as strengthening the immune system.
Two. In ancient China, emperors Lingzhi mushroom appreciate more than gold.
At the time it was very rare that Lingzhi mushrooms of every 10,000 trees will be lucky to find 3 to 4 Lingzhi.
Caught people taking Lingzhi mushroom with the Emperor without the risk of the death penalty.
Three. Lingzhi mushroom has a calming effect to reduce the severity of various diseases.
Lingzhi can be used to calm nerves, reduce stress, cure insomnia, as well as lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes and other benefits.
Recent studies also fight on the effectiveness of Lingzhi cancer cells and the effects of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy.
But like other herbs, lingzhi fungus takes time to really be able to respond positively. The effects were likely to be different from person to person.
When you want to use as a companion Lingzhi mushroom modern medicine, you should consult with your doctor to ensure the safe use and not the opposite effect was done with treatment.