Cashew nuts (cashews) are tasty and healthy snack.
There are several health benefits you can get by eating nuts.
Cashew nuts contain polyunsaturated fat (polyunsaturated fats) and monounsaturated fat (monounsaturated fats) are high.
Both fats improve overall health.
Cashew nuts also contain phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and high levels of tryptophan. In addition, nuts are a source of vitamin B, potassium, folic acid, and it is good.
Cashews contain over 80 nutrients, no cholesterol in them. Iron and calcium are also found in nuts, although in small quantities.
Cashew nuts can raise blood pressure, but it only happens with cashew sodium (salt) contained in high quantities.
So, for people who have high blood pressure, you should look contain little or no salt at all nuts.
Here are 5 health benefits of eating nuts:
First. Lose weight.
Approximately 75% of the fat contained in nuts is unsaturated fats (unsaturated fats) which is a good fat.
In addition, cashew nuts contain high amounts of fiber. Good fats can do cashew nuts help you lose weight and give you more energy for the body. Cashew nuts also facilitate the body's metabolism.
Two. Improve heart health and reduce levels of bad cholesterol.
One-unsaturated fats (unsaturated fatty acids) helps improve heart health. They are the Mediterranean diet.
Nut consumption, the level of good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol.
Three. Reduces the risk of cancer.
Content of antioxidant vitamins and rich in nuts help eliminate free radicals in the body.
Cashew nuts can help to develop the immune system and kill cancer cells in the body.
Four. Improve the function of the brain.
Cashew nuts can contribute oxygen to the brain. Cashew nuts play an important role in improving memory.
This is because polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats related to brain cell production. The brain relies on two types of fat, and cashew nuts have a high content of fat that will be both.
Five. Strengthen bones.
Magnesium is found in nuts help promote strong bone structure in the body. Magnesium is found around 82.5 mg/ons in cashews.
Magnesium together with calcium, helps support the muscles and bones.