Beautiful face: 5 Tips to Make Green Tea Facial Scrub at Home

By on 2:06 AM
5 Tips to Make Green Tea Facial Scrub at Home
You can make a facial scrub of green tea at home to help peel the layer of dead skin and soften and refresh the skin.

Green tea is a popular composition contained in many facial scrubs on the market.

Besides saving money, you can scrub of green tea without preservatives or chemical additives to do with natural materials that can be found in the kitchen.

Here's how to do scrub of green tea at home:

First. Enter the green tea leaves in a blender or food processor, and rotate to green tea leaves into a fine powder.

Two. Add yogurt and vitamin C powder (can also supplement vitamin C) and blend again until the ingredients are evenly mixed.

Add a drop of scented essential oils to provide natural facial scrub.

Three. Transfer the dough to rub a small bowl face.

Four. Wash your face with a mild soap and water. Of scrub on your face in a circular motion with two fingers and not displaced.

Five.  Lift facial scrub with a moist warm towel after a left on the face for 3 minutes.

Repeat several times until all the facial scrub and green tea leaf pieces lifted from the face.