5 Tips that Avocado Fruit Storage Durable

By on 1:13 AM
5 Tips that Avocado Fruit Storage Durable
Avocado (avocado) is one of the most popular fruit juices, ice cream or salad to make.

If you buy avocados course, you must know how to save these parts to make it more durable.

Here are tips to save ripe avocado or are still raw for durability:

First. Keep ripe avocado fruit or vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. Recommended for immediate avocado is 2-3 days on most mature after deposit. But if it's not too ripe, avocados, up to one week.

Two. To avoid oxidation, which has been cut avocado sprinkled with lemon juice or white vinegar and then store in an airtight container.

But after all has been exposed fruit can not survive for too long. To keep the avocado chunks of at most two days.

Three. When buying avocados is still raw, you can keep the avocado on the kitchen table or dining table at room temperature and away from direct sunlight. The avocado will ripen in three to five days.

Four. If the purchased raw avocado wanted to mature, you can speed up the ripening process by putting the avocado in a paper bag.

You can also add an apple or banana in a paper bag to speed up the ripening process of avocados.

Five. You can save up avocado squash for five months. How can I?

It's easy, wash and cut avocado in half, remove the seeds. Take the avocado flesh with a spoon, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice for every 2 pieces of avocado.

Then blend avocado, after that put avocado blended into an airtight container. Give a distance of 2-3 cm between the top of the avocado and the lid of the container.

Keep it in the freezer. Frozen avocado can take up to five months of storage.