Next time think again before you throw bag tea bag from the cup after use.
There are many benefits you can get from a bag of tea bags are used.
Used tea bags can be used as a natural cure various diseases by cleaning the furniture.
The following reviews the benefits of a bag of tea bags that have been used:
1. Curing effect
One of the benefits of used teabag bag is its ability to relieve tired and puffy eyes.
It's easy, just put the bag of tea bags used over tired and puffy eyes.
Green tea is very good for healing the body from disease. Green tea contains tannins which are used in high doses to protect crops from pests.
But for humans, tannin serves as an effective fighting insect bites and to treat burns from the sun and electric razors because they contain components of the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.
Tannins contained in tea can also help eliminate warts if used repeatedly over several days in a row.
2. Furniture Cleaning
It might sound weird enough your ears. But, bag of tea bags that have been used could be used to clean old stains on furniture and floors.
Put a bag of tea bags that have been used in a quart of boiling water, and allow it to be cool.
Dip a cloth or rag into the tea water to remove dirt and polish the paint and varnish on wood furniture or floors of the house.
Used tea bags bag can also be used to make sparkling mirror back. It's easy, just dampen a soft cloth in warm water containing a used tea bag, wring it out, then wipe your mirror.
3. Gardening and Recycling
Recycling bag of tea bags used to dispose of the remains of tea to the soil in the garden or backyard plants and helps to nourish its growth.
Or, mix the remaining contents of the bag teabag with charcoal or ash, and used as a soil mix in pots or the garden.
In addition, the bag of tea bags used to help speed up the process of decomposition of the compost pile because it produces acid that can help bacterial decomposition.