Teen novels can also be categorized as a young adult novel.
Such as work on other types of writing novels young adult novels should be done with full dedication.
It is very important to create characters with respect to youth and a slot that can make them for those interested.
Here are some tips on how to write a novel for young people are successful:
First. Do you know your target group
They write for people with 13-18 years age range. This is a large age range, so it should be even smaller.
Young people who are near the age of 13, will have or interests that are different from older adolescents have an interest.
Set your target readers at any age before starting to write. Then, start writing the story as if he were reading a story and let it flow naturally.
Avoid writing style as speech. If the story has a theme or a message, let it come naturally in history.
Two. Select genre
You can write young adult novels fiction comedy, mystery, suspense, romance, supernatural, or science fiction. Select one or two stories in the genre novel for you.
Most people choose a book with a genre they like. Someone who loves comedy and romantic story, you might not want to read a science fiction novel.
Three. Build character
Be identified in connection to the main characters by the youth. The figure, the same as the old adolescents themselves should keep their interest, and the characters are too old or too young.
The character that you create and must probably grow emotionally with the story to gather new experiences change. Character must have a goal and motivation to achieve these goals.
A conflict that prevents the character to get the goal, so you do not have a good start and interesting stories.
Four. Create a site
Make the outline of your novel. The idea will fade, especially when waiting too long in the emergence of other ideas. Whatever you think is best to disappear in an instant, when the outline of the novel is not instantaneous.
Make it a habit to carry at all times, a laptop computer or laptop. Immediately write the new ideas come.
Five. Read many
You can not write in a vacuum. Read novels for young adults and teenagers as possible. Next go to the bookstore to see what kind of young adult novels sold.
By reading young adult novels and popular, you can get an idea of how to write it.
Six. Join groups of writers
You can join a group of writers, so that other authors can give you feedback on your new and apparently caught the inconsistencies in the story, typos or grammatical errors.
This group is a place to learn, to continue to improve in the later works.