Can we regenerate itself goji berry on the home page? Of course it can.
Goji berry plant in not difficult. If you ever plant other plants, you can also plant goji berry.
Goji Berry with her work at home, you will be able to take advantage of this fruit directly from your site.
Here are some of the benefits of goji berries:
- Contains more vitamin C than oranges.
- Goji berry is a rich source of essential amino acids, minerals, B vitamins and fatty acids.
- Contains more beta-carotene than carrots.
6 Tips on Planting Goji Berry
Here are six things that can be used as a guide when they want to grow goji berries:
First. Goji berry as the Solar System
However, too much sun is not good for the goji berry. Make sure Goji Berry gets enough sunlight without too much exposed.
Two. Goji Berry plant in a
Can be planted in pots and put goji berries in the room. However, it is advisable to take the plant out of the room for a few hours of sunlight, they have it.
Another way you can place the pot near a window so that the exposure to the sun.
Three. How to plant in a pot
Goji berries can be grown in pots. Recommended to choose the high pot (in) to accommodate root growth goji berry.
Four. watering taste
Too much water can kill the goji berry. Make sure goji berry gets enough water, but not to make it soaking wet. Flush to make the surrounding soil moist but not to wet.
Five. Avoid fungus
Fungi can be avoided by watering plants in the morning. This allows the water to evaporate perfect opportunity. Wash only roots, leaves and stems do not need to join a sponge.
Six. Select cuttings or seeds?
Both can. But cuttings is recommended to ensure the quality of the goji berry plant will be the same parent.
Planting cuttings also increase the possibility of being able to grow healthy plants.
Goji berry plant requires no special trick. If you managed to grow new plants, plant goji berry will certainly be a problem.