As the name suggests, it's very oily skin looks, smudges tend to be colored, and usually has larger pores.
Oily skin is prone to acne and black spots can capture by excessive secretion of sebum, dirt so clogged pores.
Clogged pores are the trigger oily skin problem especially in the face. Face relatively more problematic than in other sectors and through more active sebaceous glands.
Here are some tips for oily skin still looks amazing.
First. The biggest advantage of people with oily skin is experienced skin aging slower.
Oily skin also has natural moisturizing enough so that it does not much care.
Two. This means that the pores are not clogged recommended to cleanse your face with warm water. Use mild soap when washing your face.
Three. After washing your face, wipe the surface gently with a towel.
Four. Do not use oil-based cream or lotion. Use oil-based products, your skin is oily only.
Five. Use toner or acetone-based disinfectant. Acetone can help remove the oil on the skin.
Six. To exfoliate twice a week to keep the skin smooth and clean.
Seven. Homemade masks or mask-based mud / clay good for oily skin that can absorb excess oil.
Eight. Cedar, sage, juniper, cypress, bergamot and frankincense essential oils that are good for oily skin.