Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not always expensive and complicated. Many ways is actually very simple and can be done easily.
Here are 10 tips to help you thrive and healthy:
First. Drink lots of water.
Recommended to consume 8-10 glasses of water per day. Tips can do, is to drink a glass of water before a meal. Sometimes we are not really hungry, but simply dried.
Two. Food and fresh fruit.
Know the best time to eat fruit between meals or before meals? In the case of eating fruits after meals, only fruit stored and used power point.
Three. Adequate protein intake.
Some excellent sources of protein are fish, nuts, and meat. The body needs protein to grow and replace damaged cells.
Four. Some foods need to be avoided.
Foods to avoid include potatoes, white bread, instant oatmeal and chips. The reason for this is food for the body breaks down quickly into sugar.
Five. Starting with a regular exercise program.
If you do not habit of exercise to start with easier exercises and gradually heavier types.
Choose a sport that you love. While enjoying the kind of sport, the way to do this routine will be even larger. Berolaharaga should be done 3-5 times per week with a duration of at least 30 minutes.
Six. With fresh vegetables in the daily diet.
Nutritionists say that the darker color of vegetables, it will provide better nutritional value. Focus on the choice of dark green vegetables, dark orange or dark purple and other dark colors ..
Seven. Eat small meals between meals.
Eating to three hours in small doses you are strongly advised rather than directly in large doses. Every hour
This will help the body to naturally increase your metabolism, and is essential for maintaining weight.
Recommended to eat a healthy snack. If you until you can really feel hungry, wait, too late. This causes the body to a state of fasting.
Eight. Including fatty foods.
Fish and flaxseed are good sources of fatty acids. Fatty acids can help lower blood cholesterol more.
Nine. Eating foods rich in fiber.
High fiber foods will help you control cholesterol levels as well as full faster. Can be used in foods that are rich in fiber found in fruit and vegetables.
10th. Consumption of nuts.
All kinds of nuts (almonds, peanuts, walnuts) are a source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids are good fats that the body needs. In addition, fatty acids also your hair, skin, nails and health.