Tips Anti AIDS: Understanding Early Symptoms & Incubation HIV / AIDS

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Tips Anti AIDS: Understanding Early Symptoms & Incubation HIV / AIDS
Tips Anti AIDS: Understanding Early Symptoms & Incubation HIV / AIDS - Although in the last two decades the world has been much progress health, HIV and AIDS is still the deadliest diseases in the world.

Because it is often accompanied by other diseases and conditions, and diagnosed with HIV are difficult to distinguish. This article will explain what and how the early symptoms of HIV.

range Time

The incubation period of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) takes a long time. HIV is transmitted through body fluids, such as semen, breast milk, or blood transfusions.

After HIV manifests, the body becomes more susceptible to disease because the virus attacks the immune system.

HIV attacks the immune system to become free particles and the virus inside the cell, making it difficult for the body to fight without help.

It also makes it difficult is that the HIV virus does not have a genetic pattern or a specific target. In other words, almost everyone is exposed, share the same risks.

HIV begins with the incubation period. The virus can hide in the body from 2 to 4 weeks. Phase of acute infection lasts almost a month.

Fever, sore throat, rash, muscle aches, and swollen lymph nodes a sign of HIV early development. Luka then began to appear around the mouth and throat.

During the latent phase, all symptoms disappear for weeks or even years before it finally evolved into Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

AIDS is a condition in which cells lose their ability to fight disease in total.

Losing weight is not known why, lung infections, rashes and sores in the mouth, all of which are signs of AIDS.

In this condition, the body becomes very susceptible to hepatitis, herpes, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.

Geography Spreading Disease

HIV is a global disease. Almost half the number of people newly infected with HIV are under the age of 25 years.

In 2007, 33 million people are living with HIV / AIDS. Carrying 22 million people infected live in Sub-Saharan Africa and North America has 2 million people carrying the virus.

In Europe 1.5 million people infected with HIV, while in Latin America amounted to 1.7 million people. Since 1981, 25 million people have died of AIDS.


Documented cases of HIV first appeared in 1981. HIV is thought to have evolved from a simian immunodeficiency virus jumps from monkeys to humans infected.

Although there are cases of deaths in the early 1950s because of alleged HIV, but one of the first confirmed case of death due to HIV occurred in the 1976 family. Arvid Noe, his wife and 9-year-old daughter died of AIDS.

Tissue sample tests conducted in 1988 revealed that Arvid and his wife exposed to the HIV virus. Noe probably infected in 1969 when she was s'xually active in West Africa.


Misconceptions about HIV still exist today. Although HIV is widespread in the gay community during the early period of discovery, but HIV is not just a gay disease.

HIV also is spread not only by men who are s'xually active with multiple partners.

Women also are disproportionately diagnosed at a higher level at a certain age. Suspected reason is not sterile operating in poor countries.

Prevention / Solution

Although HIV infection is not limited to s'xual transmission, prevention and reduction of distribution largely depends on changes in s'xual lifestyle.

Avoid, is clearly the best way to prevent contracting HIV. But if you are s'xually active, it is recommended to use a condom. In addition, the honesty of s'xual partners can help prevent the risk of HIV infection.

Knowing your partner's s'xual history and examination before having s'x to prevent the spread of HIV.