5 Tips to Reduce Anxiety Feelings before Conducting MRI

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5 Tips to Reduce Anxiety Feelings before Conducting MRI
5 Tips to Reduce Anxiety Feelings before Conducting MRI - Many people who have never done an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) will experience anxiety.

Especially if the patient suffers from claustrophobia (fear of narrow places) the MRI can be a terrifying experience.

Here are some tips that can be done to reduce anxiety during a MRI.

1. To reduce anxiety MRI, talk to your doctor about what procedures should be taken.

If possible, ask the doctor to see the MRI room before the test.

To know where the test and find out what needs to be done is expected to help reduce anxiety.

2. Invite a family member or friend to accompany the MRI.

You can ask family members to touch the feet or ankles to make you feel more comfortable.

Some hospitals allow a family member or friend was present in the MRI room. Ask your doctor about this.

3. Avoid drinking and eating an hour before the MRI test. You do not want to feel uncomfortable and have to use the restroom during the scan.

4. Find information on MRI in the article or internet forums.

You can ask the members of the forum or read the information that is needed.

Know more you can prepare to make the anticipation and reduce anxiety.

5. If you are very worried about the MRI, consult with your doctor.

Your doctor may prescribe a sedative to be taken before the MRI.